Fruits basket

An anime series I am recently watching is “ Fruits basket” which is also available on Netflix with an IMDb rating of 8.5/10. The series is adapted from the manga completed in 2006 and is loved by people worldwide. 

I came across it by accident, I was scrolling through my Instagram feed like any sane person would do and saw a fanart on the fruit basket, and I liked it instantly so I wanted to know more about the series and started watching it on the same day. 

The story shows us a glimpse of the life of all the characters in the series, who bear a curse as twelve family members turn into one of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac. They are bound by the curse and each struggles in their own way for freedom and life. 

At first glance, it is viewed as any anime series, but as the series progresses we know it is not the usual series. It is shown so beautifully how they all face adversities and overcome them in their own way. This is the kind of series that will make you think about your life, of the pain you hide deep inside, of the silent voice nobody can hear. This deception how morally gray the world is, it is one’s perspective that determines the world as good or bad, how a simple act of kindness can help people to take the first step towards life, and how the little things we do affect the people around us. 

This also talks about depression, anxiety, trauma, and bullying, how these things leave a dark imprint on children even as they grow, and how it changes them by taking in the pain and suffering. It shows how important friends and family are, especially in difficult times. As the characters grow to realize their mistakes, their goals, and what they want in life, each one reaches it in their own way. People can show us the way, or even walk halfway with us, but in the end, we have to take the step and reach the destination. Sometimes hatred and anger twist your heart and make your vision blurry, you fail to see the person in front of you suffering too. Accepting others the way they are, and being kind and helpful all the time brightens one’s life because you never know how much your kindness gives others hope. You cannot always do everything on your own. Sometimes you need help to stand up and show you the way, but from there you have to find your own path. 

The series is a visual treat with beautiful landscapes and with unforgettable characters. If you do watch it or it is one of your favorite series, let me know!!
